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Access extra features that makes student check-ins even easier
Individual teachers
Individual teachers
Teams and schools
Teams and schools
Ziplet Free
Best for getting started with student check-ins
Everything you need for simple student check-ins
Everything you need for simple student check-ins
Free forever
Ziplet Plus
Best for quick, easy and more engaging student check-ins
$54.99 USD billed annually
All Essentials features
Unlimited classes, students, responses
400+ question bank
Quiz and Pair matching questions
Questions with images
Bulk replies
Recurring questions
Export response data
Buy multiple licences
Ziplet iQ
Ziplet Plus
Ziplet Plus
Best for school, tertiary institution or district-wide analytics and insights
Unlimited access to time-saving student engagement tools
Unlimited access to time-saving student engagement tools
$54.99 USD billed annually
All Plus features
Everything in Free
Everything in Free
Unlimited teachers
Quiz, matrix, and pair-matching questions
Quiz, matrix, and pair-matching questions
Advanced analytics dashboard
Repeat and auto-close questions
Repeat and auto-close questions
Segmented data to leaders
400+ question templates
400+ question templates
Student experience data
Questions with images
Questions with images
Teacher feedback
Time-saving bulk replies
Time-saving bulk replies
Dedicated training and support
Data exports (handy for PD!)
Data exports (handy for PD!)
LMS integration

Loved by teachers and students worldwide

Bishop Moore Schools, USA
Ziplet makes me feel empowered, it's very user friendly. You have to see how this works - it's so easy!
Lubbock Schools, USA
I like it a lot, especially to do wellness checks on the kids. It's super convenient.”
Holmesglen, AUS
Ziplet helps to ensure students feel involved and know that their opinion is valid
Bristol, UK
I can do it in a minute! It really helps me to plan my lessons, especially with the older kids
Currituck Schools, USA
Loving this app. Real time feedback is imperative. Formative assessments so quickly too!
Campbell Schools, USA
I have to say Ziplet is AMAZING!
Marryatville High School, AUS
Connecting with Ziplet has offered a huge opportunity to make an impact on teaching and learning.
Salisbury School, USA
I love the immediate feedback I can get from my students.
Teacher, Oregon
I love Ziplet! In fact, I have recommended it to literally every teacher I know.
Instructional teacher, Aus
I love the design, it’s simple, simple, simple.
Bishop Moore Schools, USA
Ziplet makes me feel empowered, it's very user friendly. You have to see how this works - it's so easy!
Lubbock Schools, USA
I like it a lot, especially to do wellness checks on the kids. It's super convenient.”
Holmesglen, AUS
Ziplet helps to ensure students feel involved and know that their opinion is valid
Bristol, UK
I can do it in a minute! It really helps me to plan my lessons, especially with the older kids
Currituck Schools, USA
Loving this app. Real time feedback is imperative. Formative assessments so quickly too!
Campbell Schools, USA
I have to say Ziplet is AMAZING!
Marryatville High School, AUS
Connecting with Ziplet has offered a huge opportunity to make an impact on teaching and learning.
Salisbury School, USA
I love the immediate feedback I can get from my students.
Instructional teacher, Aus
I love the design, it’s simple, simple, simple.
Bishop Moore Schools, USA
Ziplet makes me feel empowered, it's very user friendly. You have to see how this works - it's so easy!
Lubbock Schools, USA
I like it a lot, especially to do wellness checks on the kids. It's super convenient.”
Holmesglen, AUS
Ziplet helps to ensure students feel involved and know that their opinion is valid

Frequently asked questions

What are the payment options?
Can I download your W-8 form?
When does my license renew?
Can I get Plus on a monthly subscription?
Can I get Plus on a monthly subscription?
Is Ziplet compliant with privacy laws?
Earn 1 month free Ziplet Plus for you and every colleague who signs up.
The more you refer, the more you earn. Conditions apply.