Information for parents

Ziplet makes it easy for teachers to check in with students. Classrooms are busy places. Students are surrounded by their peers and it can be hard for students to speak confidently and authentically. Ziplet gives teachers the tools to ask their classes questions and get authentic answers from students, easily.

Teachers ask a question

  • Teachers can send questions to their classes instantly.

  • Questions typically ask about lesson content, but could also ask about the school environment or general wellbeing.

  • Replies are only seen by the teachers who have been added to the class group on Ziplet.

Students reply

  • Students can reply via their computers or mobile devices.

  • Replies take the form of text responses, scales (1-7), or open text.

  • Teachers have the option to enable anonymous replies.

Teachers can see class wide responses

  • Based on student responses teachers can follow up with individual students or plan their next class.

  • Teachers can reply to individual students or classes of students with similar responses.

  • Teachers can invite other teachers to join their classes to help manage responses.

Want to know more about Ziplet?

Here are some of the questions we most often receive from parents.
Does Ziplet cost anything for students?
Does my child need to register to join Ziplet?
Why do you need parent permission for my child to use Ziplet?
How do I provide consent for my child to use Ziplet?
Does my child need to download an app to use Ziplet?
Where can I find information about privacy protections for my child?

Check in with your students in under 30 seconds

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